Through Night And Day (2018)
Directed by: Veronica Velasco

A newly-engaged couple, who has been together for 13 years, went on a trip to Iceland.
The coldness of the country can be felt through their discussions. Full of punchlines. Lacking in intimacy. Short in story.
The movie heavily relies on Iceland’s natural beauty and the leads’ innate acting. The team-up of Alessandra de Rossi and Paolo Contis has its charm and radiance. They are comfortable with each other; they can throw any line without any difficulty. They are a solid team.
The script tears them apart. With conversations leading to nowhere but the conflict, they weren’t given the opportunity to further describe the beauty of their relationship that lasted 13 years.
Some scenes were too funny to be serious; some moments were too sincere to be laughable. This irony sometimes works. Though most often, it only limits the scene to blossom into its most heartfelt form. — resulting to an uneven experience all throughout the movie.
The storytelling is free-flowing on its first half with a few important details to note, while the second half introduces a ground-breaking conflict that changes the mood of the movie.
The conflict itself stirs up intense emotions. This movie knows how to hit your most vulnerable spot when you least expect it. The scoring was vital in opening more room for tears.
They may have played the tearjerker card, but how they used it lacks care and sensitivity. Seems like the conflict existed to induce more tears rather than to send a unified message.
Different ideologies about love and life are imparted — with no strong and meaningful background supporting its depth.
This movie seizes the beauty of the day and possesses the emptiness of the night.
Cast: Alessandra de Rossi, Paolo Contis, Joey Marquez, Cheska Iñigo, Kathleen Paton
Production: Viva Films, OctoArts Films, Misschief Productions
Date Released: November 14, 2018 in Philippine cinemas nationwide
A Movie Review by: Goldwin Reviews