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Kargo (Cinemalaya 2022)

Directed by: T.M. Malones

A female cargo truck driver

needs to unload her baggage

by exacting revenge to the man

who killed her family.

Max Eigenmann fits the role. You can feel the weight of her burden—literally and figuratively.

She drives around a big truck with a heavy load. She carries her deep grievance with a heavy heart.

The movie had the potential to go further, but doesn’t know how to reach it. It had some powerful moments, but doesn’t know how to seize it. Moreso, the technicalities need some improvement.

From its plot alone, you may have an inkling of where this movie is going. As it runs, it keeps on turning the other way around. By the end, it completely loses its direction.

Lahat ng pinaghirapan nila sa simula

Ay nabalewala sa huli.

Bigla silang tinamad na patakbuhin ang pelikula.

Kaya biglang pinasabog na lang ito.

Hindi na kayang linisin dahil sa sobrang kalat.

Mula sa mabigat, naging magaan ang lahat.



Cast: Max Eigenmann, Myles Robles, Jess Mendoza

Presented by: Bonfire Productions

Date Released: August 6, 2022 on CCP

A Movie Review by: Goldwin Reviews



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